

7490 Uppsatser om Classroom management - Sida 1 av 500

Fyra lärares föreställningar om oordning i klassrummet : en studie om lärares förväntningar och elevers behov och motivation

The purpose of this study was to examine how four teachers with different teaching experiences treat and think about insubordination in school. The study emphasizes on questions like: When and why does disorder occur? How do the teachers manage disorderly conduct in the classroom? and Could there be a conflict between the teacher?s expectations and management, and the needs and motivation of the pupil?    It was evident through interviews with these four teachers that their statements could be divided into similar themes which subsequently could be put into the motivational structure of Abraham H. Maslow.       The conclusion of the study was that teachers may possibly have a better chance of managing disorder in their classroom if they are aware of the connection between disorderly conduct and a person?s needs and motivation. .

Klassrumsmiljön : En kvalitativ undersökning utifrån tre lärares syn på klassrumsmiljön samt deras syn på vad klassrumsmiljön har för relation till ledarstilen

This essay is about classroom environment, what kind of impact it has on pupils? learning, how to create a good classroom environment and how the style of leadership relates to the classroom environment. This is a qualitative study conducted by four informants.This essay is based on Lev Vygotiskijs perspective of the "sociocultural perspective", which is based on the theory that humans act upon their knowledge and experience, depending on the opportunities that the environment provides.The purpose of this study is to examine how three teachers, who teach younger ages, organize the environment in their classrooms. The goal of this study is to find out what the interviewed teachers perceive as good classroom environment. Also how the environment affects pupils? learning and what the teachers keep in mind when they furnish their classrooms.

Ledarskap i klassrummet : En kvalitativstudie om lärares syn på ledarskap och sin egen ledarstil

There is no further training in management in teacher education programs, which can create uncertainty among teachers in terms of management. According to the curriculum, the teacher should base it on a democratic approach, but how does it look in real life? The purpose has been to investigate how practicing teachers perceived management and their own leadership style, whether they made conscious choices and if so, whether they then had any purpose in their leadership style. Teachers' views of a good leader and how much influence students have on the teaching, enter into these issues.The survey is based on a qualitative research approach, based on interviews with four active teachers. Although observations were made they did not play any major role in this investigation.

"Det finns möjligheter med allt och i klassrummet finner man svaren." : En studie av lärares arbete i ett mångkulturellt klassrum

Our intention with this study is to investigate teachers work in a multicultural classroom. For the purpose of this study, a web survey was constructed. The investigation was carried out among teachers on three different multicultural secondary schools in Sweden. 53 teachers informed us about their own experiences and thoughts concerning their work in a multicultural classroom. Conceptions as multiculturalism, methods in teaching, the climate in classrooms, teacher cultures and interculturalism has been used in the study.

Bättre undervisning med Flipped Classroom?

Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka vad som har föranlett några lärare i grund- och gymnasieskolan att tillämpa Flipped Classroom i undervisningen och vilka möjligheter, utmaningar och nackdelar de anser detta sätt att utnyttja IKT i undervisningen innebär..

Det delade klassrummet : Det sociala rummets betydelse för särskiljande

We have, after three years of studying at Södertörns University Collage, experienced that there is great division in the classroom between students of foreign origin and ethnically Swedish students. How the students choose to place themselves in the classroom form a pattern on the basis of students? outer shells. The aim of this study is to understand what impact the student?s social orders has on the position they choose in the classroom.

Ledarskap i klassrummet. Ett arbete om ledarskap i svenska skolor.

Syftet med studien är att presentera ett urval av modeller för ledarskap och undersöka om dessa används i svenska klassrum. Modellerna är amerikanska och hämtade från forskningsområdet"Classroom management", eller CM. Observationerna är gjorda vid fyra skolor och har ligger till grund för 6 intervjuer som gjorts. Lärares ledarskap är mycket komplext och enligt min observation det går inte att peka på att lärare konsekvent använder sig av en modell..

Ordning och reda!

The purpose of this studie was to use qualitative methods to find out how teachers perceive what a good classroom environment means for students with ADHD. Know the teachers what to do with the physical environment for students with ADHD? My research questions I wanted to answer was how support or hinder classroom environment children who have ADHD? What can educators how classroom environment to be adapted for students with ADHD? I have presented three different themes based on my interviews, Structure / classroom environment, placement and traditional teachings. Has compiled my answers from informants and analyzed the responses by prior research and theory. The results show that teachers have good insight into what is good for students with ADHD, but what is it that goes wrong?.

Konflikthantering i klassrummet

We have chosen to focus our study on conflicts and handling of conflicts in a classroom environment. We are addressing problems such as the teachers? roll in a conflict, the importance of solid leadership in the classroom, students? agency, defense mechanisms in coping with conflicts and so on. In this paper there is a review of different perspectives on conflict and of understanding why conflicts occur the different reasons for the conflicts. Our observation study took place in a grade three classroom, in a mid-sized town, during a regular school day.

Ledarskap i klassrummet : Demokratiskt eller auktoritärt

The aim is to examine how teachers view their leadership, how leadership is used and developed, and what kind of perceptions teachers have of leadership and how it is important to their students.My questions are: In what ways can the teachers develop their leadership?In what ways can the teachers make use of leadership in the classroom?What do the teachers in the study consider to be a good leadership?What do the teachers inte the study think of their leadership and its´ importance to students? The study uses a qualitative research method and consists of interviews with four teachers working in a school south of Stockholm. The results of the study shows that teachers´ leadership in the classroom has a significance for students´ learning and development. The teachers´style of leadership should not be static and should be adapted to students´development level. The results also shows that teachers´ leadership in the classroom is about various tasks.

Ledarskapstilar i klassrummet : Utifrån lärarperspektiv

The purpose of this study was to see how teachers experience their own leadership style and how they did to get their leadership to work in the classroom. The purpose was also to understand the teachers? actions, what they think is best for the students? development and how they describe the leadership in the classroom. I interviewed six female teachers and they all have had many experiences since this is their profession. My research was based on Stensmo (2000).

Det talade språket i klassrummet - engelskans och svenskans roller i engelskundervisning

The purpose of this paper is to investigate when Swedish and English are used in English teaching and how the pupils view the importance of the classroom language for their language development. My research questions are ?In what situations is Swedish and English respectively spoken during the English lessons?? and ?What are the pupils' opinions concerning the significance of English and Swedish in the classroom for their language development??. To answer my questions, I have used relevant theoretical research and conducted two observations and two group interviews in a secondary school. The observations have given me an example of how it can function in the classroom and the interviews have given me the opportunity to hear the pupils' different perspectives on how it is done in the classroom and their different opinions concerning this matter. According to the research, it is of great importance that the pupils are offered the opportunity to use the English language as much as possible in the classroom.

Fair Trade - något för skolan?

The purpose of this paper is to investigate when Swedish and English are used in English teaching and how the pupils view the importance of the classroom language for their language development. My research questions are ?In what situations is Swedish and English respectively spoken during the English lessons?? and ?What are the pupils' opinions concerning the significance of English and Swedish in the classroom for their language development??. To answer my questions, I have used relevant theoretical research and conducted two observations and two group interviews in a secondary school. The observations have given me an example of how it can function in the classroom and the interviews have given me the opportunity to hear the pupils' different perspectives on how it is done in the classroom and their different opinions concerning this matter. According to the research, it is of great importance that the pupils are offered the opportunity to use the English language as much as possible in the classroom.

Hur pojkar och flickor tar och får ordet i klassrummet. : Ur ett genusperspektiv

The text is about behaviour and appearance of boys and girls in the classroom in a gender perspective. How are the boys and girls placed in the classroom, and does this affect them in any way? How boys and girls are called on to speak. Is the teacher fare in the allocation of speech? There are a lot of differences between the genders, boys and girls are placed in a special way.

The use of Swedish in teaching English in the multilingual classroom

The purpose of this dissertation has been to get a deeper understanding of how, when and why the English teachers of year 6-9 at a particular multilingual school use Swedish when they teach English in a multilingual classroom. Data were collected through notes taken during observations of two teachers during one lesson each. After observing the teachers I conducted one interview with them each. Swedish was used mostly when grammar was explained and when work was done with vocabulary. If Swedish dominated during a lesson or not, depended on what was being done during the lesson. The main reason given why the teachers used Swedish in teaching English was that they were not trained to teach English in a multilingual classroom where Swedish is not the first language of all the pupils. The teachers felt it was difficult to speak English during a whole lesson when they were teaching a group of pupils who had a low level of English..

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